Hugo Usage
Hugo can build a personal blog conveniently and quickly, providing comments, categories, searches, skins, subscriptions and other functions. Its open source code allows users to customize its default behavior at will.
Hugo site root directory contains the whole meta data, the posts’ origin markdown file, themes static resources, avatar iamge etc.Just use command hugo
on site root directory hugo will generate a site publish directory named public.So usually we do not modify pulish directory directly.Use 2 git repository is necessar they are hugo site root and publich directory.Publich hugo website in a particular domain,in additional to config a A record
with the domain name vendor,more importantly you need config that on github gitpages.After that there will add a CNAME
file located at public director.Never remove the CNAME
file otherwise website will occur 404.
new post
step | process | location | illustrate |
1 | hugo new posts/ | your site root path | your post content |
2 | draft: false | header | ready for public or not |
3 | toc: true | header | title of content or not |
4 | summarize \n <!–more–> | header after | summarize of this post |
5 | revise your outline | every outline with # | make sure the outline is correct |
6 | delete markdown’s toc | header after | use hugo’s toc exclusively |
7 | generate html file | public's parent | generate in public dir |
title: "Sony A7c 入门"
date: 2023-08-21T08:46:42+08:00
draft: false
toc: true
Sony a7c 相机入门基础知识整理
<a id="orgd017a38"></a>
## devlog 设置
quote images
The image need located at %yoursite%/public/posts/postname/ .
Usually I put the image into a sub directory image , thus it looks like %yoursite%/public/posts/postname/image/pattern.png .
Use hugo
to generate html content in public directory.Command hugo for incremental construction that means some of the content will not generated, like avatar image.
If want rebuild the whole public directory, firstly use hugo --cleanDestinationDir
to clean the public,and then use hugo
to build from scratch.
Do not use hugo server
, hugo server
will startup a localserver for leads all the static resrouces’ reference to localhost.This will makes online website occur 404 error.
css customize
Create your customize css file at %yoursite%/static/css/default.css .
put default css into the %yoursite%/themes/hugo-eureka/layouts/_default/baseof.html.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/default.css">
tbody, th, tbody td {
border: 1px solid #666;
tbody tr:nth-child(odd) {
background-color: var(--color-primary-bg)
Each time when create a new post, use pagefind --source public/posts
to generate index.
Then config PageFind.
window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', (event) => {
new PagefindUI({
element: "#search",
showSubResults: false ,
pageSize: 3,
showImages: false,
bundlePath: "/posts/pagefind/",
showEmptyFilters: false,
translations: {
zero_results: ""
Comments post trigge use enableComment: false/true